PLN Nusantara Renewables ensures there is no discrimination in the management of human resources at all job levels. The company also ensures a harassment-free work environment, prohibiting underage workers, physical and verbal violence, and any other forms of violence to maintain employee productivity.
PLN Nusantara Renewables upholds gender equality in the workplace. The company always strives to ensure that female employees have equal opportunities and benefits as their male counterparts. Below is the composition of female employees at PLN Nusantara Renewables:
Regularly enhancing employee capacity is a step taken by PLN Nusantara Renewables to adapt to the rapidly evolving electrical industry. Various aspects of knowledge and skills are developed in selected training, including the basics of ESG implementation, financial modeling, digital marketing, and risk management certification. Employees at all levels and genders have equal opportunities to improve their abilities.
Community Health and Welfare
Stunting refers to the condition of growth failure in children due to inadequate nutritional intake during pregnancy and the first 1,000 days of life. This issue is closely related to poverty, which prevents parents from providing essential nutrients such as protein and iron. As a result, children experiencing stunting are at risk of cognitive impairments, low immunity, and increased risk of non-communicable diseases.
PLN Nusantara Renewables collaborates with the Cilandak District Community Health Center in efforts to accelerate the reduction of stunting in toddlers through the Nutrition Care Group (KPG) program UMMA BERAKZI ITU PENTING (Joint Effort by the Community to Provide Nutritious Food for Stunting Prevention).
This program includes:
- Enhancement of Health Cadre Capabilities
- Provision of Cooking Equipment for Health Cadres
- Provision of Formula Milk and Vitamins for Stunted Toddlers
- Referral of Stunted Toddlers to Referral Hospitals
- Balanced Nutrition Cooking Demonstrations
Social Service
PLN Nusantara Renewables routinely organizes various social services aimed at assisting communities around the company that are in need. These social services take the form of various activities, ranging from donation drives, distribution of basic necessities, to providing sacrificial animals.
News & Article

Social Service 2023: Spreading Smiles across Jakarta
As a gesture of gratitude for the myriad achievements attained over its 8 years of operation, PLN Nusantara Renewables embarked on a series of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives titled the Social Service Safari and Social Service for Orphanages and Nursing Homes, held from December 4th to December 13th, 2023 iin Jakarta. These CSR activities are integral to the company's commitment to environmental sustainability and community welfare in its operational areas.Social Service Safari – December 4th, 2023To commemorate its 8th anniversary, PLN Nusantara Renewables organized a Social Service Safari, distributing 88 basic food packages valued at IDR 800,000 each to those in need, particularly the homeless, across various locations including Pasar Minggu, Cilandak, Kemang, Tanjung Barat, Lenteng Agung, and Pejaten.Social Services for Orphanages and Nursing Homes – December 5th to 13th, 2023In celebration of 8 years of business continuity, PLN Nusantara Renewables extended its gratitude by providing aid packages to 8 orphanages and nursing homes in DKI Jakarta. The recipients of this year's social service activities included:Foundation for Orphans and the Poor, Pasar MingguThe aid distributed consisted of snacks, stationery, and clothing for elementary and middle school children.Tebet OrphanageThe aid distributed consisted of snacks, stationery, children's clothing, reading materials, and monetary assistance.Kasih Mandiri Orphanage, Pasar MingguThe aid distributed consisted of snacks, stationery, children's and toddler clothing, bags, and blankets.Kasih Abba Orphanage, ParungThe aid distributed consisted of snacks, bedding, tissue, diapers, and children's t-shirts.Nursing Home/Sasana Tresna Werdha CiracasThe aid distributed consisted of biscuits, blankets, adult t-shirts, toiletries, and reading materials.Elsafan Home for the BlindThe aid distributed consisted of snacks, clothing, tissues, vitamins, and children's t-shirts.Friends of the Orphans Dormitory Orphanage, JagakarsaThe aid distributed consisted of Al-Qur'an, Juz Amma, Iqra, stationery, headscarves, and long-sleeved shirts.Mizan Home, Pasar MingguThe aid distributed comes in the form of monetary support for operational expenses.The presence of PLN Nusantara Renewables was warmly received at each of these facilities, evoking joy and gratitude from both caretakers and residents. Such initiatives underscore the company's unwavering commitment to operating with a high degree of social responsibility, ultimately fostering the prosperity and well-being of the surrounding communities.
PLN Nusantara Renewables' Sustainable Commitment to Create a Stunting-Free Generation
Stunting, a condition characterized by growth failure in children due to inadequate nutritional consumption during pregnancy and the first 1,000 days of life, remains a pressing issue in Indonesia. According to, in 2022, the national stunting prevalence rate reached 21.6%, indicating that 2 out of every 10 children in Indonesia experience delays in growth and development.Recognizing the severity of this issue, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has prioritized the "Accelerating the Reduction of Stunting in Under-fives" program in its 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan, aiming to reduce the prevalence rate to 14% by the end of the period. Various strategies have been employed, including enhancing access to nutritious food, providing nutritional education for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, community-wide campaigns emphasizing the importance of nutrition, and investing in health infrastructure. Additionally, targeted intervention services are offered to directly address stunting causes, led by Posyandu health cadres. These services encompass boosting nutritional intake for pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency, administering blood supplement tablets to pregnant women and teenage girls, offering complementary feeding to children aged 6-23 months, monitoring the development of children under five, and enhancing nutritional intake for malnourished children, among others.Health cadres serve as the backbone of the stunting reduction program, functioning as extensions of the Government, Health Service, and Community Health Centers. They play pivotal roles in developing, assisting, and reporting on the progress of stunted children and those at risk of stunting on a monthly basis. Consequently, PLN Nusantara Renewables is committed to enhancing the capacity of these cadres, in alignment with its dedication to societal well-being.On December 7, 2023, in conjunction with National Health Day, PLN Nusantara Renewables played an active role in accelerating the reduction of stunting prevalence rates in the Cilandak District through its CSR program. The company provided financial support by offering prizes for a quiz event targeting health cadres. Additionally, it supplied cooking equipment to bolster educational initiatives aimed at addressing stunting in the community.This support is an integral component of PLN Nusantara Renewables' CSR program and is in line with the company's 8th Anniversary theme, "Greenfinity through Sustainability," which underscores the interconnected aspects of people, profit, and planet. Through these initiatives, the company exemplifies its dedication to the sustainable well-being of communities, fostering prosperity and productivity among its stakeholders.

Healthy Morning at PLN Nusantara Renewables
It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that workers in Jakarta "rarely" see sunlight on weekdays. Many employees begin their journey to the office before dawn, only to return home long after dusk.With such a work rhythm and limited time, it's natural for employees to overlook prioritizing healthy food in their daily routines. With minimal access to balanced meals at work, employees often opt for low-nutrient, high-calorie foods that are convenient and filling. Unfortunately, coupled with a lack of daily physical activity, this increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease among workers.Regrettably, poor health conditions are not uncommon among PLN Nusantara Renewables employees. Medical checkup results frequently highlight elevated cholesterol and uric acid levels. Additionally, among the 28 directors and staff, only 21% have a "normal" nutritional status, with the remainder classified in pre-obesity, obesity 1, and obesity 2 stages.In an effort to address and prevent further deterioration of this condition, the company launched a program called Healthy Morning on Friday, December 1, 2023. This initiative is part of the 8th Anniversary celebration of PLN Nusantara Renewables and involved collaboration with Dietela, a nutrition consulting company, to deliver material titled "Starting a Healthy Life" and assess employees' nutritional conditions. Beyond assessing nutritional conditions and lifestyle, Dietela's nutrition experts have devised personalized meal plans to guide staff in regulating the types, portions, and frequency of meals. These meal plans are tailored to each participant's health conditions and targets, and their implementation will be monitored over an 8-week period. The goal is for participants to cultivate healthier living and eating habits, ultimately achieving a more ideal body condition by the end of the program.

Achieve Blessings through Qurban with the PJBI Group
Commemorating Eid al-Adha 1444 hijri, PJBI, together with all subsidiaries and affiliated companies donated sacrificial animals in the form of 34 cows and 21 goats. These sacrificial animals have been distributed to the needy community spread across 4 projects under PJBI management as well as around the PJBI office. This program is a form of the company’s concern for the surrounding environment as well as a platform to get to know our stakeholders, namely the community around the office and also PJBI projects. May the blessings always be with us.

Stakeholder Management as a Key to a Successful Income Generation
As an electricity investment company that currently focuses on developing commissioned projects, establishing good communication with subsidiaries and affiliated companies, partners, shareholders and various other stakeholders, coordination is a necessity that is always being prioritized.The achievement of PJBI's net profit of 137% of the plan in 2022 cannot be separated from the contribution of revenue from PJBI’s investment in all Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies. PLTU Jawa 7 as the only power plant under PJBI management that is already in the operating phase, managed to provide the highest contribution of Rp718.32 B through the SGPJB and Rp269 million through the GHPJB. On the other hand, in 2022 PJBI received its first dividend from PLTU Jawa 7 of Rp107.4 billion. This achievement did not escape the participation of PJBI in bridging communication and coordination with China Shenhua as a fellow shareholder in PT SGPJB and PT GHPJB, PLN as an off-taker and PLN Nusantara Power as a shareholder of PJBI. Meanwhile, good communication with the ultimate shareholder in NSHE, namely SDIC, also took place successfully which resulted in positive development performance of PLTA Batang Toru and contribution of operating income of Rp103.75 Billion. From 2 other projects, namely SSPewali as JVC of PLTU MT Sumbagsel 1 and PMSE as JVC of Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant, good communication was also established through strategic achievements in development performance and contribution to operating income of Rp1.28 Billion and Rp68.83 Billion, respectively.Even more so, PJBI’s journey with the vision of being a World Class Electricity Investment Company still needs to be developed. For us, the Learning Curve will always be rolling to create continuous progress in making the best contribution to Indonesia and the world. The direction from PLN Nusantara Power as the majority shareholder of PJBI is also important as we learnt to ensure every step taken by PJBI is in line with the vision and strategic direction of the shareholders, which will contribute greatly to the Government of Indonesia's target for electricity development. Thank you to all PJBI Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies, Partners, Shareholders, Regulators and all other stakeholders for their support and good communication during 2022. Hopefully, all communication and synergy will be well maintained to provide clean energy for the progress of the nation.