PLN Nusantara Renewables and SGPJB Give Back to Bojonegara District Residence by Donating Sacrificial Animals

Admin PLN Nusantara Renewables
14 June 2024 • 3 min read

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Serang, Banten, June 14, 2024 – PLN Nusantara Renewables (PLN NR) and its affiliate, Shenhua Guohua Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (SGPJB), demonstrated their commitment to the residents of Bojonegara District, Serang, Banten, by donating one cow and five goats for the celebration of Eid al-Adha. This act was not only to celebrate the religious holiday but also to express gratitude for the kindness and cooperation shown by the local community around the PLTU Jawa 7 project.

The symbolic handover of the sacrificial animals the sacrificial animals took place at the Bojonegara District office, where representatives from both companies were warmly welcomed by local leaders and residents. This event highlighted the close relationship and dedication of PLN NR, SGPJB, and stakeholders in improving the community welfare.

Mrs. Oinike Simorangkir, the Corporate Secretary of PLN Nusantara Renewables, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share blessings to the surrounding community. “This donation of sacrificial animals is a token of our gratitude to God Almighty for the smooth operations we have experienced. We seek your assistance in ensuring these sacrificial animals are given to those who truly deserve them,” she said.

Representing PT SGPJB, Mr. Bambang Supriyatno, the Assistant Director of General Affairs, emphasized the importance of community involvement in the success of PLTU Jawa 7. He stated, “Metaphorically, PLTU Jawa 7 and the residents of Bojonegara District are on the same boat. We need to coordinate well in rowing this boat to achieve our shared goals.”

The statements from the representatives of PLN NR and SGPJB were warmly received by Mr. Bagja Saputra, the Head of Bojonegara District. After expressing his gratitude for the trust given to receive and distribute the sacrificial animals from both companies, he added, “As the local government, we are always ready to mediate between the companies and the community. We hope that in the future, the companies can help us focus on the younger generation, ensuring they have the skills needed in the industry.”

Eid al-Adha is indeed a symbol of unity and generosity. Through this moment, it is hoped that PLN Nusantara Renewables, SGPJB, and the residents of Bojonegara District will become more harmonious in creating positive impacts and addressing the challenges of development.

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