PLN Nusantara Renewables Reports "ALL GREEN" Performance In LPT 2023 Shareholders Meeting

Admin PLN Nusantara Renewables
01 July 2024 • 3 min read

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Jakarta, July 1, 2024 – PLN Nusantara Renewables (PLN NR) held its General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) to obtain approval of the Annual Report and approval of the Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2023. The GMS was held on Friday (June 28, 2024) at The Tribrata Dharmawangsa, Jakarta, chaired by the Board of Directors of PLN Nusantara Power (PLN NP) as the Majority Shareholder.

In its first year since transforming from PT PJBI, PLN NR reported "All Green" performance where all KPIs for 2023 were achieved over 100%, with none falling below target. According to audit results, the company's KPI score increased by 2.22 points from the previous year to reach 104.95.

Compared to the figures in the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) for 2023, PLN NR recorded a revenue of 776.75 billion, surpassing the target of 772.33 billion. Additionally, net profit for PLN NR exceeded the target, amounting to 790.26 billion IDR, equivalent to 104% of the initial target.

Key factors influencing the 2023 realization include positive project performance in operational, construction, and initiation phases. Notable achievements include Jawa 7 Coal-Fired Power Plant reaching electricity production of 12.63 TWh, the commencement of commercial operations at Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant generating 25.8 GWh of green electricity, and the groundbreaking and establishment of a Joint Venture Company (JVC) for IKN Solar Power Plant.

All shareholders present that day appreciated PLN NR's performance in 2023 and conveyed messages for the fiscal year 2024 to proceed more optimally. In response, Harjono, President Director of PLN NR, thanked the shareholders for their support and expressed commitment to enhancing the company's performance. He stated, "2024 will be a year full of challenges and opportunities for PLN NR. We will continue to focus on sustainability, innovation, and collaboration to ensure that PLN NR remains a pioneer in renewable energy development in the homeland."

With solid performance and satisfactory achievements in 2023, the company is optimistic about facing challenges and seizing opportunities in 2024. With the support of all stakeholders, PLN NR hopes to further enhance its contribution in the renewable energy sector, achieve new targets, and create greater positive impacts for the environment and society.

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