910 MW Green Electricity Contribution By PLN Nusantara Renewables For Indonesia's Energy Transition

Admin PLN Nusantara Renewables
01 July 2024 • 3 min read

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Jakarta, July 1, 2024 – PLN Nusantara Renewables (PLN NR) continues to bolster its investment portfolio in renewable energy to support Indonesia's energy transition. With a focus on reducing emissions, empowering communities, and ensuring transparent governance, PLN NR is committed to sustainable corporate practices.

Currently, PLN NR has 910 MW of Independent Power Producer (IPP) projects based on New and Renewable Energy (EBT) in various stages of initiation, construction, and operation, poised to contribute significantly to Indonesia's electricity sector. This portfolio includes 4 Floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) projects totaling 330 MW, 1 Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) project with a capacity of 510 MW, and 1 Wind Power Plant (PLTB) project with a capacity of 70 MW spread across Sumatra, Java, and Kalimantan.

Among these projects, four are solar initiatives, featuring three Floating Solar Power Plants: PLTS Terapung Cirata (145 MWac), PLTS Terapung Tembesi (35 MWac), PLTS Terapung Karangkates (100 MWac), and PLTS IKN (50 MW). Floating Solar Power Plants dominate PLN NR's solar portfolio due to their land efficiency and positive environmental impact on water bodies, such as reducing water evaporation and enhancing solar panel efficiency through water cooling.

In addition to solar ventures, PLN NR is advancing the Batang Toru Hydroelectric Power Plant with a capacity of 510 MW, expected to generate 2,124 GWh of electricity annually for Sumatra. In South Kalimantan, PLN NR is initiating the Tanah Laut Wind Power Plant project with a capacity of 70 MW, utilizing stable wind speeds of 6 – 7.3 m/s at a height of 100 meters to meet a demand of 158 GWh per year in Kalimantan.

With a total of 910 MW in green electricity generation, PLN NR aims to avoid over 2 million tons of CO2 emissions annually. This represents a significant stride towards Indonesia's national goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2060. Moreover, these initiatives are expected to create new employment opportunities and stimulate local economic growth.

Moving forward, PLN NR plans to expand its energy portfolio through enhanced collaboration with various partners—from both the government and private sectors. Harjono, President Director of PLN NR, emphasized, "We are committed to advancing clean energy for a better future. Furthermore, we integrate ESG principles into every aspect of our operations to ensure that our business is not only sustainable but also benefits society and the environment."

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